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Tech Tycoon’s $2M Annual Bet: Reviving a Body Long Neglected

Tech Tycoon’s $2M Annual Bet: Reviving a Body Long Neglected

Californian tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, famed for his relentless pursuit to stall the sands of time through biological means, confesses his journey to longevity hasn’t always been a straight road. The confession, laced with candor, surfaced on Twitter as he admitted, “For 23 years, my body and mind were in a state of neglect. I was grappling with chronic depression, obesity, woeful sleep, the pressures of rearing three children, and surviving the demanding culture of startup entrepreneurship. Even my childhood was characterized by overexposure to sugar, the sun, and junk food.”

Johnson’s determined initiative, coined “Project Blueprint,” sees the 45-year-old meticulous in monitoring his diet, physical activity, and slumber. To measure the success of his relentless pursuit, he frequently undergoes a series of tests to determine the biological age of his organs. His shared results paint a positive picture. Johnson claims to have slowed the ticking biological clock by approximately 31 years and reports a level of inflammation 66% lower than the average ten-year-old.

Speaking at the recent Brainstorm Tech conference in Deer Valley, Utah, Johnson revealed to Fortune’s Editor in Chief, Alyson Shontell, the lengths he’s willing to go for his rejuvenation quest. The regimen involves adhering to roughly 100 daily protocols, swallowing a staggering 61 pills, consuming 70 pounds of vegetables every month, and maintaining an early 8:30 p.m. bedtime – a dedicated endeavor that burns a $2 million hole in his pocket annually.

The ex-CEO of Braintree defended his extravagant lifestyle at the conference, asserting, “Regardless of how radical my approach might seem or how peculiar others perceive me, the potential to show that aging can be halted could be game-changing.”

Johnson claims his current state to be the happiest he’s ever experienced and leans heavily on his medical team’s guidance for future steps. Reflecting on his past, he admitted at the conference, “My mind was like a mischievous entity, leading me down destructive paths. I decided to flip the script and let my body guide me.”

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He muses over his past self with a sense of pity, comparing it to an adrenaline junkie forever in pursuit of the next thrill. Two years into his longevity expedition, Johnson boasts of “near-perfect whole body health markers,” as gauged by his biofluid measures among other things. He hopes his personal journey will inspire others, reinforcing that it’s never too late to alter routines.

Despite his enthusiasm, Johnson remains a “walking experiment” in the eyes of many, including longevity expert and founder of Blue Zones LLC, Dan Buettner, as per his comments to Voke.

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