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Stitching a New Americana Tale: The Collaboration of Tommy Hilfiger and Supervsn

Stitching a New Americana Tale: The Collaboration of Tommy Hilfiger and Supervsn

It’s a tale of two cities, where East meets West. New York’s legendary fashion mogul, Tommy Hilfiger, joins forces with the trailblazing Los Angeles-based maverick Gavin Mathieu of Supervsn Studios. Established in 2019, Mathieu’s brand is a testament to his dedication to promoting underrepresented voices in the fashion industry, echoing Hilfiger’s own journey.

Hilfiger reminisces about his brand’s founding values, “My brand was born out of a dream of inclusion, a sanctuary welcoming everyone. The dynamism of Supervsn inspires hope for the future by giving a platform to a diverse set of creatives. Our collaboration is more than just a collection; it’s a testament to unity, bolstered by relentless optimism.”

The limited-edition, nine-piece clothing series embodies a relaxed LA vibe, featuring oversized silhouettes and sun-faded hues, reflective of Supervsn’s home turf. Simultaneously, it serves as an homage to the rich cultural mosaic that is America, as signified by the audacious placement of the Hilfiger logo in the vibrant colors of the Pan-African flag. The collection, characterized by eccentric patterns and bold declarations, paints a fresh narrative for Americana style.

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One statement stands out: “Trust the VSN, Not the Algorithm.” It’s more than just a slogan; it’s a philosophy both Hilfiger and Mathieu embody. This partnership curates a unique tapestry that encapsulates their shared vision of a harmonious, multicultural America, pushing the boundaries of the predictable while delivering an exquisite blend of ambiguity and excitement. The unpredictability of the designs and the burst of unexpected detail weave a dynamic fashion tale that thrills, intrigues, and invites us to reimagine our concept of American fashion.

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